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Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojna – Gramin (PMAY G)

Public housing programme in the country started with the rehabilitation of refugees immediately after independence and since then, it has been a major focus area of the Government as an instrument if poverty alleviation.To address these gaps in the rural housing program and in view Government’s commitment to provide “Housing for All” by 2022, the scheme of IAY has been re-structured into Pradhan Mantri Awaas Yojana – Gramin (PMAY-G) w.e.f 1stApril 2016PMAY-G aims at providing a pucca house, with basicamenities, to all houseless households and those households living in kutcha and dilapidated house, by 2022. The immediate objective is to cover Rs.1.00 crore households living in kutcha house/dilapidated house in there years from 2016-17 to 2018-19. The minimum size of the house has been increase to 25 sq.mt (from 20 sq.mt) with a hygienic cooking space. The unit assistance has been increased from Rs.70,000 to Rs1.20 lakh in plains and from Rs.75,000 to Rs.1.30 lakh in hilly states, difficult areas and IAP districts. The beneficiary is entitled to 90/95 persondays of unsk illed labour from MGNREGS. The assistance for construction of toilet shall be leveraged thorugh convergence with SBM-G, MGNREGS or any other dedicated source of funding. Convergence for piped drinking water, electricity connection, LPG gas connection etc, under different Government programmes is also to be attempted.

The cost of unit assistance is to be shared between Central and State Government in the ratio 60:40 in plain area and 90:10 for North Eastern and Himalayan States. From the annual budgetary grant for PMAY-G,95% of funds is to be released to States/UTs for the construction of new houses under PMAY-G. This would also include 4% allocation towards Administrative expenses , 5% of the budgetary grant is to be retained at the Central Level as reserve fund for Special Projects.

One of the most important features of PMAY-G is the selection of beneficiary. Instead of selection a beneficiary from among the BPL households, select beneficiaries using housing deprivation parameters in the Socio Economic and Caste Census (SECC), 2011 data which is to be verified by the Gram Sabhas. The SECC data captures specific deprivation related to housing among households. sing the data households that are houseless and living in 0, 1 and 2 kutcha wall and kutcha roof houses can be segregated and targeted. The Permanent Wait List so generated also ensures that the stateshave ready list of households to be covered under the scheme in the coming year (through Annual Select Lists) leading to better planning of implementation.

Towards better quality of construction, setting up of a National Technical Support Agency (NTSA) at the national level is envisaged. In PMAY-G, programme implementation and monitoring is to be carried out through an end to end e-Governance model Using Awaas Soft and AwaasApp. AwaasApp – a mobile application is used to monitor real time, evidence based progress of house construction through date and time stamped and geo referenced photographs of the house.

All payments to beneficiaries is to be trough DBT to beneficiary’s Bank/Post office accounts registered in AwaasSoft MIS. A willing beneficiary is to be facilitated to avail institutional finance up to Rs.70000/- which would be monitored through the SLBC, DLBC and BLBC. The programme implementation is to be monitored not only lectronically, but also through community participation (Social Audit), Members of Parliament (DISHA Committee), Central and State Government officials, National Level Monitors etc.

Identification and Selection of Beneficiaries:
  • Beneficiaries under PMAY (G) will include all the houseless and households living in zero, one or two room houses with kutcha wall and kutcha roof as per SECC-2011 data.
  • Priority will first be assigned on the basis of parameters reflecting housing deprivation in each category viz., SC/ST, Minorities and others.
The Criteria for Automatic Inclusion as follows.
  • 1. Households without shelter
  • 2. Destitute / living on alms
  • 3. Manual scavengers
  • 4. Primitive tribal groups
  • 5. Legally released bonded labourer
  • Otherwise, will be determined based on their cumulative deprivation scores.
  • Households with no adult member between 16 to 59
  • Female headed households with no adult male member between age 16 to 59.
  • Households with no literate adult above 25 years
  • Households with any disabled member and no able bodied adult member.
  • Landless households deriving the major part of their income from manual casual labour.
  • As per SECC 2011, 60% target should be earmarked to SC/ST.
  • 3% have to be allocated to persons with disabilities.
Selection of beneficiaries from others category:
  • 1. Households with widows
  • 2. Households where a member is suffering from leprosy or cancer and people living with HIV.
  • 3. Households with a single girl child,
  • 4. Beneficiary families of the Scheduled Tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers.
  • 5. Transgender persons.
Specification of the House:
  • The minimum unit (house) size is 25 Sq.m (or) 269 Sq.ft.
  • No contractor should be engaged in the construction of the houses.
  • The suggested type designs and elevations.
  • Shall be adopted while constructing the houses. However, minor changes within the overall area of 269 Sq.ft may be made.
  • Issue of Sanction Orders :
  • The geo-tagged photograph of the beneficiary in front of the dwelling unit, where he/she is presently residing and the proposed site which the beneficiary proposes to construct house should be captured using AwaasApp and uploaded on AwaaSoft.
  • At the time of registration of the beneficiary on AwaaSoft, details o bank account, name of nominee and MGNREGS job card number of beneficiary and Aadhar no are to be captured.
Construction of Houses:

The construction of house should be completed within 12 month from the date of sanction.

Fund Sharing under PMAY(G) – 2016-2017

Launched in the Year 2016-17
Central Share : State Share =90:10
Unit cost fixed by GOI : Rs.1,30,000/-

Released in three instalments i,e.,

1st   Instalment @48,000/-
2nd instalment @ Rs. 42,000/-
3rd instalment @ Rs. 40,000/-

  • Construction of a toilet is ghrough funding from Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin (SGM-G) or MGNREGA.
  • The house shall be treated as completed only after the toilet has been constructed.

Sensitization of the Beneficiaries:

Awaas Diwas (Housing day) is conducted in every block /
group of panchayats for the sensitization of the beneficiaries.

36983Total Completed Houses
651Total Amount Relesed(Cr)
36Target Achieved %
Below data is for Pradhan mantri awas yojna- Gramin (2021-2022)

wdt_id Financial Year District Target House Registered House Sanctioned House Houses Completed
1 2021-2022 IMPHAL WEST 1,488 175 89
2 2021-2022 CHANDEL 859 1,244 548
3 2021-2022 CHURACHANDPUR 2,092 5,055 1,497
4 2021-2022 IMPHAL EAST 1,322 2,729 629
5 2020-2021 NONEY 860 842 819 2
6 2019-2020 IMPHAL WEST 347 347 346 204
7 2019-2020 IMPHAL EAST 493 493 493 376
8 2020-2021 TAMENGLONG 1,380 1,378 1,367
9 2021-2022 TENGNOUPAL 590 1,074 220
10 2019-2020 UKHRUL 250 250 250 221
Financial Year District Target House Registered House Sanctioned House Houses Completed