राष्ट्रीय कृषि विकास योजना (आरकेवीवाई)
राष्ट्रीय कृषि विकास योजना (आरकेवीवाई) 2008-09 से राज्य में शुरू की गई थी। मणिपुर में RKVY को 7 (सात) संबद्ध विभागों और 2 (दो) पंजीकृत समितियों द्वारा कार्यान्वित किया जाता है। 1) कृषि नोडल विभाग के रूप में 2) सहयोग 3) बागवानी और मृदा संरक्षण 4) मत्स्य पालन 5) वन 6) रेशम उत्पादन 7) पशु चिकित्सा और पशुपालन 8) पूर्वी सीमा क्षेत्र विकास प्राधिकरण (ईबाडा पंजीकृत समाज) और 9) बराक नदी घाटी विकास बोर्ड बीआरवीडीबी पंजीकृत सोसायटी)।
आरकेवीवाई के कार्यान्वयन के लिए भारत सरकार के दिशानिर्देशों के अनुसार, राज्य स्तरीय स्वीकृति समिति (एसएलएससी) की बैठक मुख्य सचिव, मणिपुर सरकार की अध्यक्षता में भारत सरकार, कृषि मंत्रालय, कृषि और सहकारिता विभाग के सदस्यों के साथ आयोजित की जाती है। विभिन्न संबद्ध विभागों द्वारा प्रस्तुत विस्तृत परियोजना रिपोर्ट (डीपीआर) को मंजूरी देने और संबंधित विभागों को निधि के आवंटन के लिए नई दिल्ली। निधि प्राप्त करने के बाद भारत सरकार के नोडल विभाग ने संबद्ध विभागों को एसएलएससी अनुमोदन के अनुसार परियोजनाओं की अनुमोदित लागत चेक द्वारा आवंटित की है। निधि के आवंटन के दौरान, एसएलएससी ने उन क्षेत्रों को प्राथमिकता दी है जिनका उत्पादन और उत्पादकता बढ़ाने पर प्रभाव पड़ेगा।
215921Total Benefitted Farmers
39Total Disbursed Amount(Cr)
75District Coverage %
नीचे दिया गया डेटा राष्ट्रीय कृषि विकास योजना (2017-2023) के लिए है
wdt_id | District | Financial Year | Activity | Total Benifited Farmers |
1 | IMPHAL EAST | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
2 | SENAPATI | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 300 |
3 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 550 |
4 | CHANDEL | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 7 |
5 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
6 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
7 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 100 |
8 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
9 | CHANDEL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
10 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
11 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on INM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 145 |
12 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Zehang Bazar | 50 |
13 | UKHRUL | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 | |
14 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 300 |
15 | TAMENGLONG | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 134 |
16 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed(IR-64) | 400 |
17 | TAMENGLONG | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 300 |
18 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
19 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 50 |
20 | CHANDEL | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
21 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
22 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
23 | IMPHAL WEST | 2019-2020 | Construction of Training Hall cum Farmers Hostel at SMF Complex Lamphelpat Imphal West | 100 |
24 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Construction of Agro Market Shed | 100 |
25 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Singda Kadangband | 50 |
26 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 150 |
27 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
28 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Construction of 300 MT Godown at Wangoi, Imphal West | |
29 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 |
30 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 404 |
31 | UKHRUL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
32 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 200 |
33 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 |
34 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
35 | TAMENGLONG | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
36 | SENAPATI | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 30 |
37 | THOUBAL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
38 | IMPHAL WEST | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 450 |
39 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
40 | BISHNUPUR | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
41 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Langmeidong Santi Market | 50 |
42 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Leishangkhong | 50 |
43 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 450 |
44 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 350 |
45 | SENAPATI | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 134 |
46 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Mekola | 50 |
47 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
48 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
49 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (RCM-12) | 100 |
50 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 50 |
51 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 9,500 |
52 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 |
53 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
54 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 400 |
55 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 450 |
56 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
57 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 30 |
58 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 275 |
59 | BISHNUPUR | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 200 |
60 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
61 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 400 |
62 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
63 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
64 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 200 |
65 | THOUBAL | 2021-2022 | Construction of 150 Mt Fertilizer Godown | 4,000 |
66 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
67 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 134 |
68 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 50 |
69 | JIRIBAM | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 138 |
70 | IMPHAL WEST | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 200 |
71 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
72 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 30 |
73 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 |
74 | TAMENGLONG | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
75 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
76 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 50 |
77 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on INM of HYV Paddy (RCM) | 85 |
78 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 30 |
79 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 15 |
80 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 450 |
81 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
82 | BISHNUPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
83 | UKHRUL | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 300 |
84 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
85 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Langathel | 50 |
86 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 11 |
87 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 11 |
88 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 10 |
89 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Assistance for Construction of NADEP Compost Pit | 200 |
90 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 450 |
91 | CHURACHANDPUR | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 | |
92 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
93 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 450 |
94 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 200 |
95 | IMPHAL WEST | 2019-2020 | Construction of Fertilizer Godown – 1 rack capacity at SMF Complex Lamphelpat Imphal West | 58,000 |
96 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 350 |
97 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
98 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 200 |
99 | IMPHAL WEST | 2019-2020 | Construction of 150 MT Godown (2 Nos.) | 8,000 |
100 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 200 |
101 | CHANDEL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
102 | SENAPATI | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 25 |
103 | SENAPATI | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
104 | KAKCHING | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 20 |
105 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Construction of Farmers Training Hall cum Hostel at Wangoi Block HQ | 100 |
106 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 375 |
107 | TAMENGLONG | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 45 |
108 | TAMENGLONG | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
109 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 10 |
110 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,500 |
111 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 50 |
112 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 50 |
113 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
114 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 450 |
115 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 |
116 | TAMENGLONG | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
117 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
118 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
119 | JIRIBAM | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 250 |
120 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 400 |
121 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 400 |
122 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 400 |
123 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 200 |
124 | SENAPATI | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 75 |
125 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,500 |
126 | THOUBAL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
127 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 500 |
128 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
129 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
130 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 |
131 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 150 |
132 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,500 |
133 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 200 |
134 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 200 |
135 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
136 | TAMENGLONG | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 30 |
137 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 15 |
138 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 200 |
139 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
140 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
141 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 400 |
142 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 250 |
143 | SENAPATI | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
144 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 250 |
145 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
146 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 450 |
147 | KAKCHING | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 70 |
148 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
149 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Power Weeder | 7 |
150 | CHANDEL | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 300 |
151 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 180 |
152 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Kiyangei | 50 |
153 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 |
154 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 550 |
155 | IMPHAL WEST | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
156 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 15 |
157 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Demonstration on Barley | 5 |
158 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 200 |
159 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 |
160 | THOUBAL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 250 |
161 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
162 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 450 |
163 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
164 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 180 |
165 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (RCM-12) | 100 |
166 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed | 50 |
167 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 250 |
168 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
169 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
170 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
171 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 100 |
172 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 550 |
173 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 100 |
174 | SENAPATI | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
175 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (RCM-12) | 100 |
176 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,500 |
177 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 250 |
178 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
179 | IMPHAL WEST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 250 |
180 | UKHRUL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
181 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 120 |
182 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 125 |
183 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 250 |
184 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 500 |
185 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 250 |
186 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 450 |
187 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
188 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 404 |
189 | SENAPATI | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
190 | UKHRUL | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 105 |
191 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Mairenkhong | 50 |
192 | BISHNUPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 250 |
193 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 404 |
194 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 300 |
195 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 100 |
196 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 200 |
197 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (RCM-12) | 100 |
198 | THOUBAL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 200 |
199 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
200 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 11 |
201 | CHANDEL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
202 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 11 |
203 | UKHRUL | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
204 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 200 |
205 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 200 |
206 | KANGPOKPI | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 20 |
207 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
208 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
209 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
210 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
211 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
212 | IMPHAL EAST | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 450 |
213 | UKHRUL | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 75 |
214 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on IPM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 65 |
215 | THOUBAL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
216 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 180 |
217 | UKHRUL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
218 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
219 | UKHRUL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
220 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 50 |
221 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 200 |
222 | BISHNUPUR | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
223 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
224 | TAMENGLONG | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
225 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 250 |
226 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 100 |
227 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on INM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 145 |
228 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio pesticide | 300 |
229 | UKHRUL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
230 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
231 | IMPHAL WEST | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
232 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 200 |
233 | UKHRUL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 180 |
234 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on INM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 105 |
235 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Construction of 150 Mt Fertilizer Godown | 4,000 |
236 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Sangaithel | 50 |
237 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Construction of Training Hall cum Farmers Hostel | 100 |
238 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Construction of Plant Health Clinic at Directorate of Agriculture | |
239 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Wangoi | 50 |
240 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 150 |
241 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 250 |
242 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HYV Paddy seed(IR-64) | 400 |
243 | IMPHAL WEST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 250 |
244 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on INM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 105 |
245 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Distribution of NSKE | 300 |
246 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Herbicides | 250 |
247 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on IPM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 85 |
248 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 404 |
249 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Power Weeder | 6 |
250 | BISHNUPUR | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
251 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 9,500 |
252 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
253 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 15 |
254 | JIRIBAM | 2017-2018 | Farmers Awareness Programme | 210 |
255 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,500 |
256 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
257 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 15 |
258 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 9,500 |
259 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 15 |
260 | THOUBAL | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
261 | TAMENGLONG | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
262 | UKHRUL | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 50 |
263 | IMPHAL WEST | 2019-2020 | Construction and strengthening of Seed Testing Lab. | |
264 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 200 |
265 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
266 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 200 |
267 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
268 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
269 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
270 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
271 | THOUBAL | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
272 | THOUBAL | 2017-2018 | Farmer Awarness Programme | 450 |
273 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
274 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 250 |
275 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 400 |
276 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 50 |
277 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Demonstration on Barley | 5 |
278 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Construction of Agro Market Shed at Matai Mayai Leikai | 50 |
279 | SENAPATI | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
280 | THOUBAL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 250 |
281 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
282 | CHANDEL | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
283 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
284 | SENAPATI | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 130 |
285 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 450 |
286 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
287 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 250 |
288 | IMPHAL WEST | 2017-2018 | Construction of Seed Processing Unit | |
289 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 150 |
290 | JIRIBAM | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 70 |
291 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Demonstration on Barley | 5 |
292 | IMPHAL EAST | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 120 |
293 | JIRIBAM | 2017-2018 | Distribution of certified seeds(Blackgram) | 40 |
294 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of sea weed extract | 400 |
295 | CHANDEL | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 45 |
296 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
297 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
298 | CHANDEL | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
299 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Demonstration on Barley | 7 |
300 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 15 |
301 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
302 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
303 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 135 |
304 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
305 | JIRIBAM | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 360 |
306 | BISHNUPUR | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 50 |
307 | JIRIBAM | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 70 |
308 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2022-2023 | INM & IPM Demonstration on Wheat | 7 |
309 | IMPHAL EAST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 7,000 |
310 | BISHNUPUR | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
311 | IMPHAL WEST | 2022-2023 | Power Sprayer | 325 |
312 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 180 |
313 | TAMENGLONG | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 400 |
314 | THOUBAL | Distribution of HYV Paddy Seed | 400 | |
315 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 450 |
316 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 100 |
317 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 250 |
318 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 115 |
319 | IMPHAL EAST | 2017-2018 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 200 |
320 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Farmers Training Programme | 450 |
321 | JIRIBAM | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Beauveriabassiana | 300 |
322 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 200 |
323 | IMPHAL EAST | 2021-2022 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
324 | CHANDEL | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
325 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
326 | IMPHAL WEST | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
327 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 40 |
328 | UKHRUL | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 1,000 |
329 | UKHRUL | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 134 |
330 | JIRIBAM | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Mustard | 2,000 |
331 | THOUBAL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Azosprilium | 50 |
332 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Phosphobactor | 40 |
333 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Paddy Seed | 100 |
334 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Bio-Pesticides | 200 |
335 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Construction of Agro Market Shed | 50 |
336 | UKHRUL | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Bio Fertilizer Potash Mobilizer | 40 |
337 | CHANDEL | 2018-2019 | Construction of Vermi Compost Unit | 11 |
338 | CHANDEL | 2022-2023 | Knapsack | 85 |
339 | TAMENGLONG | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 450 |
340 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Distribution of HVY Paddy seed (IR-64) | 200 |
341 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2021-2022 | Construction of 150 Mt Fertilizer Godown | 4,000 |
342 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Bee Hives/Bee Colony | 250 |
343 | CHANDEL | 2022-2023 | Distribution of HYV Paddy (RCM13) | 134 |
344 | BISHNUPUR | 2020-2021 | Sub -allocation of training programme | 1,080 |
345 | SENAPATI | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
346 | CHURACHANDPUR | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Soil Amender(Calcium Carbonate Granulated) | 180 |
347 | CHANDEL | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
348 | JIRIBAM | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 62 |
349 | TAMENGLONG | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Hybrid Maize | 80 |
350 | CHANDEL | 2022-2023 | Construction of Farmers Training Hall at the Office Complex of DAO Chandel | 50 |
351 | IMPHAL EAST | 2022-2023 | Power Weeder | 7 |
352 | THOUBAL | 2022-2023 | Cluster Demonstration on IPM of HYV Paddy (RCM 12) | 65 |
353 | JIRIBAM | 2019-2020 | Farmers Training Programme | 660 |
354 | SENAPATI | 2018-2019 | Distribution of Micro nutrient | 700 |
355 | IMPHAL EAST | 2020-2021 | Distribution of Knapsack Sprayer | 150 |
356 | BISHNUPUR | 2022-2023 | Construction of Agro Market Shed | 50 |
357 | SENAPATI | 2021-2022 | Distribution of Pheromone Trap | 126 |
District | Financial Year | Activity | Total Benifited Farmers |